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Staff Members

Southview Pastors and Staff

Southview is blessed to have a team of pastors and leaders, men and women who serve The Lord and His People.


As a local congregation of The Church of The Nazarene, Southview has three pastoral designations; pastors who have been ordained by the church/denomination, pastors who hold district licenses on the East TN District, and pastors who hold local licenses.


Ordained pastors, who carry the official title of Reverend, are pastors who have completed the necessary educational and service requirements for ministry, and have been ordained - approved, blessed, and commissioned by the leadership of The Church of The Nazarene.


District Licensed Ministers are pastors who are in the process of completing the necessary educational and service requirements for ordination, men and women who have been approved and accepted by the East TN District. District Licensed Ministers are empowered to serve and lead alongside ordained pastors, as they ultimately seek ordination by the church.

Local Licensed Ministers are individuals who have answered The Call of God to ministry, having been approved by the lead pastor and the Southview Church Board. This is the beginning of their ministry journey, a journey that will hopefully transition to a district minister’s license and eventual ordination in The Church of The Nazarene.

Minister directors, while not called to a lifetime of vocational pastoral service, are equally
important to the ministries of our church. Their service and leadership is vital to the ministry team God has assembled at Southview.

Finally, the pastoral and ministry leadership philosophy of Southview Church follows the
pattern of Jesus Himself - ‘servant leadership.’ Every pastor and every director, without regard
 to his/her title and or ministry focus, is called to serve The Lord and Southview, His Church, where and when needed.

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Rev. Billy J. Willis 

Lead Pastor - Servant/Shepherd


Preaching, Prayer, Vision, Pastoral Care

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Rev. Shane T. Perry

Associate Pastor 


Worship Arts & Student Ministries

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Rev. Teresa Hensley

Associate Pastor


Small Groups/Pastoral Care


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Cynthia B. Powell

Children's Min. Director


Church Administration 

Southview Community Church

(423) 247-8331


1235 Moreland Dr,

Kingsport, TN 37664

Service Times

Sunday Morning: 10:30 AM


Mid Week: Our small groups meet all across the week at various days, times, and locations. All ages are included. Please speak to Pastor Teresa if you are interested in being a part of this exciting ministry!

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